Have you struggled through countless sleepless nights, tossing and turning hoping for the sweet relief of sleep only to be disappointed night after night?
I’m a Certified Sleep Specialist, Sleep Coach, Speaker and Board Certified Physician and I help busy professionals lead happier, healthier and more productive lives through the power of good sleep.
About Dr. Holliday-Bell
As someone who formally suffered from insomnia herself, she understands the transformative power of good quality sleep and how obtaining this regularly can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive life.
Speaking Engagements
Dr. Holliday-Bell is an engaging and insightful speaker and coach. Her expertise in utilizing the power of sleep to improve employee wellness and optimize performance.
Contact Us
Need me for any sleeping tips, speaking engagements, or other opportunities? Don’t waste another second, and let’s talk today!
Sleeping on the Job Book
In a world plagued by sleep deprivation, where millions suffer from insufficient rest, it’s time to break free from the vicious cycle of sleeplessness and burnout.
Sleeping on the Job is your guide to putting an end to this cycle and being the best version of yourself in the workplace and at home through proven, simple, and effective sleep strategies backed by research that you can start implementing right away.